ISO 39001 Certification

ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management Trainings

What is the ISO 39001 certification?

As an international standard, ISO 39001 certification specifies the requirements for road safety management systems. It also serves as a tool for organizations to reduce and ultimately eliminate accidents, deaths and serious injuries related to traffic accidents. Road safety (RTS) is considered a global problem, as the number of accidents worldwide is constantly increasing. Therefore, companies and / or people committed to improving road safety and improving service quality benefit from the introduction of ISO 39001. This standard identifies improved road safety elements that companies can use to achieve results. desired

Why is the management of the ISO 39001 road safety certification important to you?

ISO 39001 establishes the requirements to implement a road safety management system that guarantees high quality and efficiency in road traffic management. Road safety management systems have been developed to reduce fatalities and serious injuries related to traffic accidents. The international standard ISO 39001 contains requirements that help organizations define and implement appropriate RTS policies, objectives and strategies. Road safety professionals can obtain ISO 39001 certification and help their organizations achieve these goals. They can serve as a springboard for your business to provide quality services that generate better employment opportunities and, therefore, increase the chances of higher income.

Benefits of ISO 39001 certification Road safety management

  • Guarantee the quality and safety of traffic.
  • Increase the efficiency of road safety management systems (RTSMS)
  • Get knowledge to reduce costs
  • Get a competitive advantage
  • Help the organization achieve its objectives.
  • Ensure the reliability of your customers

How do I start with the ISO 39001 certification training?

When you are ready to face the challenge of ISO 39001 certification, our experts will provide valuable experience that will meet your needs and become part of our global network.

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